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About Us


Mujahid Ali Ansari

Dear Students,parents and fellow teachers,

I am delighted to welcom you all to the official website of Al-Noor Public High School, Gujranwala.Realizing the increasing importance of technology in our lives, we have introduced a proprietary digital learning platform.Our main objective is to develop this website  to enhance service and quick response to you. Our website will give access to studnets,parents ,teachers and genral public. This is turn to would easy us to provide better service to all and help us to achieve an efficient, transparent educational system in line with general standerds.

We hope to provide our students with safe and stimulating environments in which individual differences are celebrated and each child is given the space to learn at his or her own pace.

Join our journey at Al Noor Public High Schools and help shape the future.



  • Teachers & Students must come to school in time or they will be fined.

    Teachers & Students are not allowed to get absent ,they will be fined.

    Shouting ,quarreling and break of discipline checked stricktly.

    Parents should be gentle and polite with the school staff.



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